All you need to know about Saqqara Bird

Have you ever had any thought of similarities between a bird and a plane?? Many of us answer confidently yes, the science behind both of them is same . Yes of course but does ancient people have any idea of such technologies? Let us dive into the topic and explore a mysterious event occurred in the past related to this. In Egypt a place named SAQQARA is located 15 Miles away from southwest of modern-day capital Cairo, where an interesting and mysterious object was discovered near the Saqqara Pyramid in 1898, during the excavation of the Pa-di-Imen tomb. This excavation unknowingly opened a Pandora’s box to the modern-day enthusiasts…the shape of the object found is the real mystery even today. This interesting artifact is made of sycamore wood and estimated to be about 2200 years old. Its shape resembles a bird, it more closely resembles a modern airplane with the head of a bird. Furthermore, some symbols on the model airplane were decoded as " The Gift of...